A New Media Marketplace for Royalty Free Music

Vpuzzler LogoAs the global stock media industry evolves into a multi-billion dollars business, creators and buyers alike have reasons to rejoice. Vpuzzler is one of the most trusted platforms for musicians to showcase and market their work, and for buyers to be spoilt for choice.

What Vpuzzler does?
Vpuzzler is the new media marketplace for royalty free music. It provides an environment for creators to build and promote their brand, and reach out to millions of prospective clients. It is a place where you can find and interact with other creative people all over the world. It is a place to interact, to learn, to grow.

What Vpuzzler doesn’t do?
Vpuzzler doesn’t suffocate you. It doesn’t steal your credit. It doesn’t make you anonymous. It doesn’t confuse you.

At Vpuzzler, be assured of transparency and proper representation. You are free to contact buyers and interact with them. Artists are respected and everyone is given a fair space to earn and grow their business. It gives you broader horizons to work on. The Media Callouts feature lets you create content as specified by clients. You can promote your work through show-reel presentations on the home page and through festivals and fairs that are regularly organized.

Vpuzzler is a place where buyers can procure unique music at cost-efficient prices. The music available here is new, fresh and coming straight from the artist. There is an easy process for finding, buying and downloading music and an equally easy payment system through Paypal.

Explore more about Vpuzzler here.

Key Factors to Follow While Buying Royalty Free Stock Images

Royalty Free stock images are a very convenient and cost-efficient method to spice up a website or any multimedia entity. The Internet offers thousands of them to choose from. However, easy as it may seem, the same multitude can sometimes confuse you and you may end up buying images that do not really serve your purpose.

key points
Source: generastrategies.com

To help you make the best selection, we bring you some factors to keep in mind before making a purchase. Take a look.

  • The first thing to do is to write down what you want to communicate to your viewers. An image just for the sake of it does not help in any way. So, narrow down the ideas that you want to project to some broad topics. It will help you to put keywords and find relevant images.
  • You might have noticed more than one website using a particular image. These images become generalized and lose their uniqueness. You can easily avoid such images by going through the ‘Most Popular’ or ‘Most Downloaded’ section of the agencies whose images you are looking through.
  • The resolution of an image is important for its clarity. So, make sure that you choose the correct resolution. A high resolution image is highly priced; however, an unclear, unattractive image can cost you even more by making your website look drab.

Although stock images are an easy option, it is always better to put up photos of real products or people if possible. It makes your website more trustworthy.

If you are looking for some quality and unique royalty free stock images, you can check out our website.

Related post – Boost Your Blog Traffic with Royalty Free Images

Vpuzzler: A Creative Library of Royalty Free Video Footage

Video footages or clips are the new to communicate. Whether it is a commercial, a backdrop for a website, or just a way to explain your ideas more precisely, video is the way to go.

The Internet has made it possible to procure videos on thousands of topics for free or for a one time fee – as in the case of royalty free videos. There are agencies – like Vpuzzler – that source works of photographers and artists all around the world and bring them together at a single platform for you to choose from.
royalty free stock image

Why Royalty Free Videos?

Royalty free videos cost less because you have to pay only one time for multiple uses or for a limited period of time. You would not be charged for every successive use of the media, thus saving you lots and giving you more freedom to use the videos as you like.

Videos are usually copyrighted materials that need to be used under permission. If you choose to buy them from a photo agency, it will already have done the background work of contacting the author and ensuring that no legal hassles arise.

Videos are the best way of telling a story and capturing attention. In a world where information overload has made attention spans shorter, a captivating video that a viewer can connect with is your best bet to register yourself in their minds.

If you want to have a look the collection of royalty free video footage we offer, visit the website.