Make Money With Royalty Free Media Production

As an online media content creator, the goal apart from creating great content is to be able to showcase it in the best possible way. Given this objective, one is always looking for platforms that have a wide enough scale and reach and with a network that is solid and vast.

Make Money With Royalty Free Media is one such media library providing royalty free media to hundreds and thousands of users on the web. For a content creator it can be the medium that he or she is looking for in order to take their work out there to be seen.

By uploading and selling ones’ work on, the creators get the unique opportunity of associating themselves with a credible resource that users trust and in turn also end up building a credible reputation for themselves. The popularity and goodwill that Vpuzzler enjoys gives boost to the personal branding aspect of the artist too.

By providing royalty free images as well as other media for commercial use, the library has garnered enough regular clients who visit it consistently for the media that they are after. As a creator, what better opportunity than this to be able to make ones’ work visible to all of these people and have the opportunity to sell to them.

More than that, what tries to do is to harness a community of global creators by encouraging open and transparent interaction between the creators and the clients. All of this is done one step at a time in order to build trust and help create long lasting productive relationships.

royalty free mediaAre you an online content creator? Hope over to today and start selling with them!

New Media Marketplace Empowered by Creative Community is a new media marketplace empowered by a creative community. In simple words, it is a media library that has a huge database of royalty free stock audio and video footage that clients can access, pay for once and then reuse as many times as they want.

Tomek Sobański
Meet Tomek Sobański, one of the most active members of community of creators

This is one aspect of things though. The power of Vpuzzler comes from its network of creative artists who use the library as a platform to showcase their work. The content is unique and cannot be found anywhere in the web. The reason for this is the fact that Vpuzzler, working closely with the content creators, tend to focus on forming long term relationships and the artists who showcase their work on the library do not do so anywhere else.

This gives the work showcased a distinct flavor and for those who buy from the library, they can be rest assured that the footage that they are using is completely unique. There are a number of libraries calling users to buy video clips online but it is important to make the final choice after careful consideration. is a resource that harnesses storytelling and gives its clients access to the right kind of media for them to create solid and strong messages. By providing the right resource, acts as a bridge that joins the two ends together. And this is something of a mission they are on.

If you want to create stories by joining the media dots, head to Vpuzzler today and find the right content to do the same. To submit you media with us, just read our guidelines and push the limits in open sky of creative community.

submit media
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Use Vpuzzler’s Gallery For Curation and Storytelling

On the face of it and for descriptive understanding, Vpuzzler is a new age media library that hosts a variety of online content including video, audio and images. This is the technical definition. But there is a purpose over and above this. And this purpose stems from the fact that at, the idea is to help weave stories and to help do so effectively.

royalty free nature images
Yes, there is the call to buy videos online or to scour the royalty free images but putting aside the business end of things there is also the call to use this free media to enhance the message that one wants to send out as a user. Using the media as a medium, the call is to curate content and create a powerful, coherent message that is dynamic and touches everyone who sees it.

The goal is simple. There are many stories out there waiting to be told and the gallery at Vpuzzler is the place to come to in order to create these stories more effectively. In order to give these stories a face and a visual, the visual support will help make the stories versatile and universal at the same time. The gallery is varied enough to host images and media on almost any topic.

royalty free images for commercial use - Vpuzzler
To give your stories a body and a soul, the gallery at Vpuzzler is the resource to explore. To give your stories the respect they deserve, is the resource to explore.

Head over today and find what you are searching for. It’s sure to be there waiting for you! Liked our post? Share your views and thoughts about how will you use images to tell your story.

How Custom Background Images Improve Visibility of Your Blog?

The trend of using background images for websites and blogs is no longer new. That being said, the popularity is on the rise in an extremely imminent manner. The importance of images in the foreground or around posts has always been emphasised upon.

royalty free background images
Anything that contains images as a post or in the copy not only looks good, in addition is also engaging and attractive and this is something that has already been proven time and again. This trend has been taken into another level by the use of full-scale background images being incorporated as part of background design.

Depending upon the kind of blog that one is trying to design, the background image will need to be chosen accordingly. Typically speaking the background image is directed towards making the site look good and as such there is no structural benefit. In saying so, the idea is to help with the visibility of a blog because a blog that creates a good impression is likely to be shared and recommended more.

When looking for royalty free background images on the web, there are a number of media libraries that can be scouted for the purpose, being one of them. Finding and using a customized background image that gels with the concept and niche of the blog will help uplift the overall design and create a positive impression.

royalty free image

In most cases, it makes sense to look for a royalty free image that can be paid for once and the re-used a number of times. Media libraries such as are credible resources that can offer images that can be acquired at a nominal charge. ‘Free’ being the operative word here means that after a one time payment the image can be used by the buyer again and again without having to pay each time.

This is a more economical way of doing things and can prove effective even if the design changes and the images have to be used in some other context.

Want a great looking blog? Add a background image and give your blog the visibility it deserves today!

How To Buy Video Footage Content Online?

For anyone who is running an online content marketing campaign, for themselves or for clients as a marketer, the importance of video content is something that cannot be emphasized enough.

Video content is being touted as the future of online marketing and there is good reason for that. Video is far more engaging than print. The fact there is a face, a voice or music as well as movement together is an appealing mix and helps in creating a better connection. People tend to remember things that they saw more than the things that they read as they register better with the brain.

buy video content

Adrienne Carlson in one of his blog has said,

“Visuals are always more effective than the written word. A picture is more colorful than a group of words, literally and figuratively. People tend to stop and look at compelling visuals rather than sit down to read (what they consider) boring words. It’s true that our attention is easily captured by a picture rather than a group of words”.

As an online marketer, obtaining interactive video footage is a constant part of the marketing campaign. There are a number of ways that video content can be curated. One of them is to buy video content from the various media sites available on the web. is one such resource.

As a versatile media marketplace, has range of video content on a number of topics that can be bought without burring a hole in ones’ pocket. The advantage of using libraries like and the likes is the fact that they do all the hard work of procuring and putting the video content together at one place saving you a lot of effort. The content is organised and categorised so one can just visit the website and choose what one is looking for.

This video content has been submitted to the library by freelancers or designated members who have placed it there for customers to view and buy if they like it. One of the most tangible reasons to visit a content website is the fact that everything stands at one place and looking for stuff here can be a huge time saving proposition.

The time saved in looking for the video footage to buy can be utilised more gainfully in marketing it.

Interested in buying video content? Visit today and start browsing this new marketplace!